Week 3. Free flowing


1/18/20243 min read

Every week I pick a theme that most resonates with what is going on in the world, the most prominent topics for people around me or what is affecting me and what could be helpful to others. When planning this weeks’ Read, I first fixated on the theme “Duty”, then thought that “Power” is another great theme but in the end, for the longest time I couldn’t decide and got paralyzed by the need to make a decision. This rarely happens to me but when it does, it reminds me that I’m only human and that this condition sometimes comes with some glitches, unplanned ups and downs. I could get mad at myself for not picking one subject in appropriate amount of time to get this weeks’ pondering ready but instead I’m trying to learn to accept the situation as is so now, writing these words in late hours (nothing that would be considered business hours in this part of the world), listening to “Inhaler” playlist, keeping up with the things I get to do.

The reason I open up about how these ponderings come to be is to encourage you to be more understanding and forgiving to yourself if things don’t go as planned or if sometimes even the making of any plans goes sideways. There are great weeks with productive peaks, all to-dos done and beautifully paraded and there are weeks when life happens, no matter how meticulously we would plan our weeks and give ourselves hard time for not being able to live up to that, putting more and more pressure and by extension draining ourselves even more in the process. During the last few years we all collectively have been through a world pandemic, unrest, violence and wars flaring up all around, it’s quite possible that we’re just quite tired and expecting ourselves to “perform”, “achieve”, “climb that ladder” gets old. Maybe it’s time to start listening to what our bodies and the most internal parts of us have to say on ways to live life on our terms, how it’s compatible with the way we’re built. Meaning we can’t always produce 100% on all days, some of us work better days, late evenings, there are days when we’re not really functional, and days we can do a 3-day-worth of work. In short, we all have internal clocks that tick differently so even though systems do provide predictability and a sense of control, at times it’s not the best thing individually. And maybe, just think about it, maybe it’s time to take stock of things that really matter to us, to pick our battles, and to appreciate what we get to do around here. Also, maybe, consider what we want to do today that our future self would be proud of. And if today the best thing you can do is to survive, aplaude yourself even for that. It’s quite something to survive in today's world and you’re crushing it. Every. Frigging. Time. Give yourself some slack this week and do the best you can. One. Step. At A. Time.

Have a free flowing week.

P.S. Sometimes things just don’t go our way at all. On top of all these things discussed, when I tried to upload the text even more delays happened (from not being able to access my domain, to technical issues uploading the actual text) so I’m sorry for a delayed upload. Hopefully the technical part is solved for now.

P.S.S. Themes “Duty” and “Power” are still coming up so heads up the weeks ahead. And if you’d like to get a reminder when the Reads come up or get notified about what else is new around here you can subscribe to a Newsletter below.

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